
Who Should Join?
Our section seeks to minister to Christians engaged in the specialty of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.

Why Join?
You do not have to be a member of FCPRS to participate in section activities and events. Becoming a member of FCPRS, however, provides you with access to secured on-line resources, including the Section membership directory and moderated discussions/forums.

Requirements for Membership in FCPRS
1) Members of FCPRS are Christians who assent to the CMDA Statement of Faith:
While each of us holds fast to additional beliefs important to our relationship with God, the following statement outlines the tenets that provide a foundation for our fellowship and participation in the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. I believe:

  • In the divine inspiration and final authority of the Bible as the Word of God;
  • In the eternal God revealed in Holy Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
  • In the unique Deity of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, whose death and resurrection provide by grace through faith the only means of my salvation;
  • In the transforming presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

2) Members of FCPRS should have completed (or are currently planning or in process of completing) specialty training in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.

3) Members of FCPRS seek to emulate the example of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who demonstrated agape Christian love and respect for others. Accordingly, members agree to refrain from conduct unbecoming a Christian, including:

  1. Violating the privacy of others by disclosing information from the membership directories of the Section or of CMDA without the consent of the owners of that information, or using said information for personal gain
  2. Using vulgar, offensive, or disrespectful language and ad hominem attacks during Section meetings or in online discussions
  3. Divulging information shared during in-person or on-line discussions of the Section that would be expected to be detrimental to the professional, financial or psychological well-being of others, except as required by law.

Although we encourage you to join CMDA (as North American physician and dental members, student members, international members, or associate members [for other health care professionals]) and enjoy the benefits, formal membership in CMDA is NOT required for participation in section activities. All are welcome to participate in Section activities as members or friends of CMDA.

There are no dues to join or keep your membership in the FCPRS. Free will offerings are gladly accepted. Click here to donate in support of the FCPRS.

Membership Application
If you would like to join FCPRS, please complete the form below:



If you are not already a member of CMDA and would like to join, click here to begin your application for CMDA membership.

If you would like to receive e-mails about activities and resources, please complete the fields below: